At Home at 3Stone
Reflections on 2018
Happy New Year 3Stone!
It’s difficult to imagine that an entire year has passed since Bridget, Topher, and I began on this journey with you. Through it, we have experienced the heights of joy, the depths of despair, and the consistency of everyday ministry. We have laughed until our bellies ached, shed tears of sorrow, and experienced God’s healing mercy and grace. We have become comfortable with the rhythm of travel while building friendships and fellowship. Most of all, we have found a home at 3Stone.
We are thankful for brothers and sisters who have faithfully served over the years. This includes current and past members of the MT and GB as well as leaders of life groups, youth, children’s ministry, and countless unseen servants. Along with the pastors, it is you who that have kept the church on the cusp of revival through tireless acts of sacrifice. It is because of your head, hearts, and hands that God has confirmed our calling to 3Stone and the Christian & Missionary Alliance.
What has brought the greatest joy to our family are relationships forged through ministry. Rather than ambivalence towards an unfamiliar setting, Topher no longer wants to leave on Sunday afternoons; insisting instead on spending time with good friends. Bridget has experienced the joy that comes with serving young children, while being blessed with the kindred spirits of Godly mothers. Personally, I’ve grown accustomed to my role at 3Stone and enjoy working with bright, motivated, and faithful leaders whose exuberance for the gospel is infectious. A personal highlight has been witnessing a rejuvenation of the Family and Agape (Young Adult) fellowships. One of the greatest blessings God has given me revolves around the weekly pastoral council meetings with Reverend Leung and Reverend Hung. I always look forward to these weekly meetings where we collectively seek the will of God.
Brothers and sisters, we set a foundation for the future with a new name, logo, vision, strategic plan, and social media presence in 2018. Through prayer and petition, we discovered God’s vision for 3Stone, to “develop mature disciples of Christ, bonded by fellowship, serving the church and lost community”.
Though there was much change, we have not been paralyzed by fear or a spirit of timidity. Instead there has been renewal, an aura of excitement, and anticipation for what God has in store for the future.
In 2019, I pray that each of you will encounter the love of Christ in your daily lives and experience the fellowship of believers at 3Stone. Bridget, Topher, and I invite you to continue this journey with us.
May the love of God overwhelm you, the peace of Christ guard your hearts, and the power of the Holy Spirit give you strength.
Soli Deo Gloria,
Lead Pastor
3Stone | A Ministry of NYCAC