Reflections from the Diaconate on Racism
As the 3Stone Diaconate reflects on recent issues of racism and justice, we stand in solidarity with the C&MA leadership. In our reflections, we realized that our own experiences with issues of racism are multi-faceted. In many ways it reflects the complexities of a multi-generational, Asian-American church in one of the most diverse cities in the world. This has revealed to the Diaconate that not having adequately addressed these issues in our own hearts and minds has impacted our ability to dialogue with one another, our church, and the greater community. Convicted to move forward while dealing with our own issues of sin, we invite you to join us on this journey. We are committed to actionable steps and dialogue to “do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.” (Micah 6:8b, ESV)
The District Superintendents and Association Presidents of The Christian and Missionary Alliance issue an open letter denouncing racism and injustice.
The sins of racism and injustice have plagued our nation since its inception. Sadly, we have even witnessed its effects and damage throughout the history of the Church. The devastating loss of lives in the Black community in recent weeks, including the killings of Ahmaud Arbery and George Floyd, has reminded us that injustice still runs rampant in our nation, still strips the Black community of dignity, and still attacks the beauty of the image of God in all humanity. Add to these incidents, the unjust harassment of Christian Cooper while he was birdwatching in Central Park and the killing of Breonna Taylor under suspicious circumstances.
We, the district superintendents and association presidents of The Christian and Missionary Alliance, who give oversight to Alliance churches and ethnic associations in the United States, Puerto Rico, The Bahamas, and Guam, and who function in this movement under the oversight of the vice president for Church Ministries, formally denounce racism, injustice, and any and all systems and actions of any group and/or laws that seek to make themselves racially and/or ethnically superior over any other group of people, including Blacks, Native Americans, Asians, and Hispanics. We stand in staunchest opposition to groups that promote white supremacy, anti-Semitism, and others that avow discrimination and segregation of any kind.
Further, we denounce any acts of violence, oppression, or discrimination in any form against any and all people groups that have been marginalized, oppressed, and/or treated as less than human because of their race, background, or socioeconomic status. As a multiethnic, multicultural, diverse movement, whose founder affirmed the humanity and dignity of all people, we declare today that we will not tolerate any acts of racism and/or injustice that we become aware of in any of the districts and/or associations that we oversee.
We repent of any acts of racism and/or injustice—past or present—that have taken place in any of our districts and/or associations, be they overt or covert. We break off any demonic strongholds that have resulted and remain because of these acts. And, we welcome a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit to cleanse our districts and associations and bring a fresh anointing upon each and every one of us, as we declare that we will honor, celebrate, and promote the beauty of the image of God in all of humanity.
It is not just sinful for racism and injustice to exist in our country and/or churches. The Church stands complicit by sitting silent when racism and injustice run rampant in our nation. It is, therefore, the call and the responsibility of the Church to lead the charge in speaking against any and all acts of racism and/or injustice. We stand firm in urging every church of The Christian and Missionary Alliance that falls under our charge to proclaim salvation through the shed blood of Jesus on the cross, to announce His Kingdom of righteousness and justice, to denounce all forms of racism and injustice, and seek to be the voice of change in our communities, where the poor, the oppressed, the marginalized, the outcast, and those who have been the victims of any form of racism or injustice in our communities can find refuge, hope, dignity, and love.
As we have just celebrated Pentecost Sunday, the day on which the Holy Spirit was poured out on the early followers of Jesus, we recognize that Joel’s prophecy was fulfilled. In the fulfillment of that prophecy, we also see that the Holy Spirit anointed and blessed the beauty of the diversity of the Kingdom of God. Further, as the early Church grew, so did the diversity of the Church. As a result, we celebrate the beauty in the diversity of God’s Kingdom!
Finally, to the members and adherents of our movement that comprise the Black community, we say today that we lament with you. We are listening to you. We seek to be agents of change with you. And we stand alongside of you. Lord, have mercy; Christ, have mercy; Lord, have mercy.
In the love of Jesus,
The District Superintendents and Association Presidents of The Christian and Missionary Alliance