Weekly Update || October 15, 2022

NYCAC 50th Anniversary Celebration

If you wish to share any pictures or leave a message, email 50years@nycac.org or visit: https://nycac.life/know_nycac/50anni

Upcoming Baptism & Membership Transfer | Sunday, October 23

Please pray for those who are preparing for the upcoming Baptism & Membership Transfer. There are four brothers and sisters considering at this time.

Filipino Heritage Outreach | Sunday, October 30

There will be a joint service at 10:00AM on Sunday, October 30 as Kabisera will be closing out Filipino Heritage month with a block party on Eldridge Street (between Delancey & Rivington) starting at 12:00PM . We are looking for volunteers to help set up and do some street outreach. Lunch will be provided for volunteers! Sign up here.

Thursday Night Basketball | 6:30PM to 9:30PM

Weekly basketball has resumed at PS 124 from 6:30PM to 9:30PM. It is open to all with a priority for NYCAC/3Stone members. You can contact Michael Tsang or Henry Kan for more information.

3Stone Diaconate | Open Positions for 2023

A Nominating Committee has been selected to nominate candidates for three Diaconate Positions: Education, Evangelism, and Worship. The nominees will be shared in a few weeks time.

While the nomination committee will select a single candidate for each position, Members can also nominate additional candidates (with the candidates consent). Unlike for GB floor nominations, only 5 signatures from other Active Members are required. This must be submitted along with a brief summary of the proposed candidate to Reverend Stephen Ko or Reverend Cristobal Tong. Before the candidate is approved and added to the vote, verification of eligibility will be conducted by church leadership according to Article X of the bylaws.