Join our Worship Deacon in the Choir room during or after 3Stone lunch to jam, learn to worship, or just sit back and listen to the music!
3Stone’s monthly luncheon will be serving Pasta Bolognese on Sunday, May 21 after service!
Sunday School (6th Floor) Update
On May 14th and 21st, there will be no Sunday School on the 6th Floor as Gerald and his family will be out of town. All are welcome to join the Regional Small Group gathering at the same time (11:00AM) on the 1st Floor of the Annex instead.
Special Guest Speaker | Sunday, May 28
On Sunday, May 28, we will be joined by Reverend David Ro, the Regional Director for East Asia for the Lausanne Movement. He has been serving in the region for 22 years and currently lives with his family in Taiwan.
He will also be sharing at the Sunday Regional Small group at 11:00 AM on the 1st Floor Annex! Feel free to join for this special session!
The Lausanne Movement connects influencers and ideas for global mission, with a vision of the gospel for every person, disciple-making churches for every people and place, Christ-like leaders for every church and sector, and kingdom impact in every sphere of society.
Volunteers needed to maintain our Church facilities
Our Superintendent Jimmy, is looking for a few volunteers to form a team to serve with him n the church on projects for the church building outside of normal maintenance. If you are interested, please reach out to the deacons or Pastors for more details.
There are less than a handful of spots left! What are you waiting for? Looking forward to fellowshipping together with our brothers and sisters!