Weekly Update || May 28, 2023

Sunday School Updates

Gerald’s Sunday School class will be resuming this week.

In addition, Pastor Paul will be starting a new Sunday school starting on June 4th on the topic of Spiritual Formation with a concentration on Spiritual Disciplines. This class will meet in the 1st Floor Annex as the Sunday regional small group goes into summer break!

Envision NYC || Saturday, June 10, 2023 || Uptown NYC

Seeking a 5-10 person team to join our NYCAC CM brothers and sisters on a one day trip for creative outreach and vision casting for long term growth in NYC. Envision focuses on raising missional leaders among C&MA churches. Please contact Justin Mui for more information.


Our Superintendent Jimmy, is looking for a few volunteers to form a team to serve with him n the church on projects for the church building outside of normal maintenance. If you are interested, please reach out to the deacons or Pastors for more details.

Summer 2023 - Vacation Bible School!

This summer, VBS will be running from August 21 st to 25th. For those of you who might not be familiar, VBS is a summer program for children and all are welcome!

I believe there is a single room left! If you haven’t signed up yet and want to go - do so soon to make sure you can get into one of the remaining spots!