Good Friday | April 7
Join us for Good Friday Service from 7:00PM to 8:30PM on Friday, April 7th either in the Sanctuary or via live stream by clicking the image above!
Music Jam! April 16
Join our Worship Deacon and others in a semi impromptu jam session! Join if you want to learn, practice, or just hang out and listen to music. This will be in the basement choir room right after worship service.
Taiwan AROMA Missions | Summer 2023
More info to come from the Evangelism team, but there are plans to return to Taiwan and serve with the O'Dells this summer. This is still being planned with potential dates being August 3rd to 13th.
Easter Sunday | April 9
Please pray for those brothers and sisters that are currently preparing for baptism this Easter! The ceremony will take place at the end of worship services (which will start at 12:00PM).
Infant & Child Dedication | Mother's Day
Please Contact Rev. Ko if interested by April 9th!