
Update from the O'Dells || A lot has happened since then...

Dear Friend,
The last time I updated you was 5/13. A lot has happened since then.
Did you see Andrew's update video? It might be a fun one for you!

Here are some of the highlights from the last month:

  • Alexis and Whitney (the two interns who will be here till Mid-July) have landed and are absolutely amazing! They’ve been doing outreaches, taking care of a ton of daily life business here, and mentoring and discipline people around them.

  • We got 40 students to sign up for a summer camp happening 7/3 - 7/7. We were also invited to help teach English at a one-day event on 7/4 and at a 100-student summer camp the following week.

  • I, Chris, launched a new men’s small group on Tuesday nights. It’s been a ton of fun and very encouraging so far!

  • Foodpanda, the delivery service, asked if we could go to their headquarters and teach English!

  • We are in the middle of hosting two summer teams at the same time. 14 extra people lived missionally with us from 6/9 - 6/18, and 6 of them will stay on until 6/28.

  • We hosted a worship night with about 17 people in attendance. One person gave their life to Christ at the end of the night.

  • We have handed out nearly 150 flyers in the last few days. People are coming up to the second floor.

  • There are even more people helping out with ministry than last month. Praise God!

And there are a few things I need you to pray for!

  • We have short-term teams from 6/30-7/9, 8/4-8/14.

  • One team of 15 coming from 6/30 - 7/10. They’ll be hosting an Adventure Camp.

  • Launching new small groups on 6/5, 6/19, and later in the summer.

  • Launching youth ministry via the 7/3-7/7 camp. Pray for the other summer events and next steps we're launching!

  • Getting about 90 people per week to join coffee talk (it’s blown up in 2023) and want more gospel conversations and opportunities to grow with people. We also want to increase this number to 100, but we need more teachers, and better marketing. There are currently 1,792 people who have joined a chat group to sign up for it.

  • Trying to launch more hangouts, classes, and even 1 on 1 tutors for our education center.

  • Reaching out to the homeless and people in need, we are seeing lots of cool opportunities and also spiritual warfare.

  • Launching a new drink and food items in the cafe. did you see the video we made about Taiwanese and American coffee habits?

  • Losing Church Staff in July and August because one is getting married and one got called back to the military (down to just me as official pastoral staff). They'll be back, but the summer will feel tight.

  • Need a new marketing person and cafe staff as we'll be experiencing more transitions at the end of the month.

We need your financial help as well. We want to keep serving these people and many more. Your partnership makes that possible! Click on the button below to spread the Aroma through a one-time gift or ongoing monthly gift. We are seeking to get another $59,273.29US by 6/30/2023. This will help propel us into all the opportunities you see before you and more.