Weekly Update || March 19, 2022

Self Defense Class

Hosted by one of our Life on Life discipleship groups, there will be a time of reflection & prayer support followed by a self defense class taught by a licensed instructor! Please scan the QR code to register if you are interested!

Ukraine Special Offering

This Sunday, March 20 - there will be a special love offering to support Ukraine. There are three ways to participate if you are interested:

Youth Retreat Special Offering

Many thanks to all of you who contributed to the youth "fun-raiser" for Lake Champion last Sunday! If you didn't get a chance to help out but wanted to - there will be another opportunity on March 27th! We will be having a special contribution category where you can give a special offering to the youth retreat (on Tithely or during March 27th Worship Service).

Thursday Night Basketball

Each week, a group of church members and friends meet to play basketball and fellowship! Reach out to Michael Tsang or Henry Kan if interested in participating.

Where: PS 124 (40 Division Street, NY, NY 10002)
When: Thursday Nights from 6:30PM to 9:30PM

COVID Policy Updates

The re-opening committee continues to meet and reassess guidelines as the situation changes. Here are the latest changes.

  1. Masking

    • Per CDC/NY State guidance, it is no longer necessary for adults or youths to mask while indoors.

    • For Children's Worship & Children's Sunday School, servants and children will continue the policy of wearing masks.

    • For other indoor activities like Worship, masks will no longer be required. Brothers & Sisters can continue to mask if they wish

  2. Other Items

    • The kitchen is reopened. Please reach out to Shirley if you wish to reserve it.

    • Elderly fellowship will resume meeting live in April on Thursday nights