Self Defense Class
Hosted by one of our Life on Life discipleship groups, there will be a time of reflection & prayer support followed by a self defense class taught by a licensed instructor! Please scan the QR code to register if you are interested!
Youth Retreat Special Offering
Many thanks to all of you who contributed to the youth "fun-raiser" for Lake Champion last Sunday! If you didn't get a chance to help out but wanted to - there will be another opportunity this Sunday! We will be having a special contribution category where you can give a special offering to the youth retreat (on Tithely or during the Worship Service).
Thursday Night Basketball
Each week, a group of church members and friends meet to play basketball and fellowship! Reach out to Michael Tsang or Henry Kan if interested in participating.
Where: PS 124 (40 Division Street, NY, NY 10002)
When: Thursday Nights from 6:30PM to 9:30PM
COVID Policy Updates
The re-opening committee continues to meet and reassess guidelines as the situation changes. Here are the latest changes.
Per CDC/NY State guidance, it is no longer necessary for adults or youths to mask while indoors.
For Children's Worship & Children's Sunday School, servants and children will continue the policy of wearing masks.
For other indoor activities like Worship, masks will no longer be required. Brothers & Sisters can continue to mask if they wish
Other Items
The kitchen is reopened. Please reach out to Shirley if you wish to reserve it.
Elderly fellowship will resume meeting live in April on Thursday nights