Weekly Update || August 19, 2023

2023 Annual Meeting | Governing Board Positions for Election

During this year’s annual meeting, an election for the following Governing Board positions will take place:General Manager & Missions. Huge thanks to those who have been serving faithfully in these positions thus far: Kevin Lin for GM and Dayly Lee for Missions!

There will also be a town hall on Sunday, August 20th to answer questions regarding the 2024 Annual Meeting Packet at 2:00 PM.

Baptism & Membership Transfer Class | SEptember 2023

The classes for Baptism and Membership Transfer will start in early September. If you are interested please contact: Reverend Ko or Reverend Tong

Summer 2023 - Vacation Bible School!

This summer, VBS will be running from August 21 st to 25th. For those of you who might not be familiar, VBS is a summer program for children and all are welcome! You can register your children here: Summer 2023 Vacation Bible School Registration Form

We are also looking for volunteers to help across different areas: teaching, arts & crafts, helpers, food prep, etc. Please speak to Reverend Ko, Reverend Gus, Sam, Bobby, Isabel, or Bridget if you want to learn more about how you can help!