Weekly Update || August 26, 2023

When: September 2, 2023, 4pm.

Where: Enter at 106th Street & Central Park West - Walk up the stairs to the Great Hill Oval & look for balloons/signs.

What: Meet and greet with NYU international undergrads, grads and new students in an effort to welcome them to the US and to our church community!

3Stone Contact: Caleb Wu

Sign up link: bit.ly/nyu_picnic2023

2023 Annual Meeting

During this year’s annual meeting, an election for the following Governing Board positions will take place:General Manager & Missions. Huge thanks to those who have been serving faithfully in these positions thus far: Kevin Lin for GM and Dayly Lee for Missions!

The proposed vision and budget presented at the August 20 Town Hall is available for review for members ahead of the October 1 Annual Meeting.

Please reach out to Shirley Lee (admin@nycac.org) to request a copy.

Baptism & Membership Transfer Class | SEptember 2023

The classes for Baptism and Membership Transfer will start in early September. If you are interested please contact: Reverend Ko or Reverend Tong